The Diamond | Diamanten

The Diamond

The Administration building to Havila and Havyard is lately perhaps the most photographed building in our region.. This building is architecturally very special, and it is not difficult to get associations to a diamond when you see it. The building is listed in 2007-2008 as office buildings. Execution of in situ cast concrete, stone and glasfacades. Collecting area of ​​2500m2…

Havørn som skriker | White-tailed Eagle screaming

White-tailed eagle

Sea Eagle is Northern Europe's largest bird of prey and the fourth largest eagle in the world is the white-tailed eagle 87 and 100 cm long. Adult females can have a wingspan of up to 240 cm - males slightly smaller. White-tailed eagle can grow up to be 50 years old, but it is rare. The species builds large nests of twigs and branches…

Attack from above | Angrep ovenfra

Attacks from above

Crow attack eagle above. Captured Image smøla, and think that it looked good for panoramic format. A little fun with this frog. You can click on the image for a larger version. Below I have posted a sample image size 39 x 99 cm the panoramaformat. If you tap the screen, you can go…



An exciting panorama project I have for several years taken part panoramic images seen along many exposures. Generally these are not as convenient to view on the internet when they take a long time to download, and that they are slow to navigate. I am now almost done with a solution for my website…