Over 90.000 password and user information can be tucked into the wrong hands
They write that they needed immediately therefore decided to delete all passwords to user accounts associated with the domain foto.no
This means that all members must establish new password to access their user accounts.
Foto.no writes the following in his side;
OBS!!! We have NOT sent out an email with the title ” Verify this email address” seemingly sent from us. We ask you to delete this email immediately!
New password can be created through this left.
When you press on the link above, you come to a page with the following questions:
“I need new password, but i remember my username. Can you help me with this?”
Here you must enter your username, and then clicking on 'Send me the link so I can set a new password'.
You will then inform shortly receive a link by email. Via this link you can set new password, and then login to foto.no.
Foto.no working at a rapid pace to identify what may have caused the "attack". Such will not happen again.
We emphasize that Foto.no store any credit card information on its members.
A great regret to all members for breaking fisheries this has resulted in!
People who write about this;
Hardware.no; http://www.hardware.no/artikler/foto-no-er-hacket-over-90-000-passord-kan-vaere-tatt/113857
NRK.no; http://nrk.no/helse-forbruk-og-livsstil/1.8370410
ITavisen.no; http://www.itavisen.no/904861/jeg-hacket-bronnoysund-og-aftenposten
Dinside.no; http://www.dinside.no/904789/foto-no-brukeropplysninger-paa-avveie
VG.no; http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/artikkel.php?artid=10055315
Akam.no; http://www.hardware.no/artikler/foto-no-er-hacket-over-90-000-passord-kan-vaere-tatt/113857
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