Portrett av skarv | Cormorant portrait


Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) is a group of flightless pelikanfugler (Pelecaniformes). Species have elongated bodies and usually dark colors. They eat fish as they dive for. In Norway the species cormorants and shags.   Great Cormorant is a migratory bird that is about 80-95 inches long. The wingspan is 130-160 centimeters and weighs about bird 2,5-3 kg. The gray…

Gold in NM in Nature Photography round 3

I was so lucky to get gold in round numbers 3 in NM in Nature Photography About the competition; “The journal has since Villmarksliv 1976 organized nature photo contest "Photo Hunt". This year was the idea conceived and in January the number 1977 presented Day Kjelsaas entire program as an alternative to traditional hunting. Over the years the competition has gone through many changes, one whole…

Fototur til på Lundeura Rounds

16-19 april 2012 I was four trips to Lundeura on Lap to take pictures of Puffin. I packed gear at 17 o'clock, and pulled up from the parking lot in Goksøyra at 18 o'clock. I came down from the mountains between 22-23 every night. Here I thought sharing some of the images and experiences of the trip with you. Farther down…

Iskunst | Iceart


At Easter, I researched a bit on taking pictures of ice in a river in Dagali. Ice melting in water creates endless formations. If the sun comes out, the combination between ice, running water and light from the sun to create images with artistic touch. When in his eagerness to take artistic photos in or…

My new website

After many hours of work has finally my new website started to take shape. I have long thought of making a new website that gave me flexibility so that; easy way to present my images searchable image archives on the basis of the text and keywords opportunity for sales in several forms opportunity to enter…


Eagle safari on Smøla

Looking for new ørnebilder. On Friday I go and photo mate Geir Magne Sætre traveling to Smøla. Smøla has one of Europe's largest sea eagles. There we can also see golden eagle, and a number of other bird species if we are correct so lucky. A full day, we sit in hiding and (hopefully) photograph eagles at…